38 yr old with c/o epigastric pain

38y old male came to causality with 

Clo of epigastric pain since yesterday 

Clo of 10 episodes of vomitings since morning,

Pt is a known case pancreatitis with alcoholic liver disease with h/o necrotising pancreatitis 

Pt was apparently alright 30 days back and then developed vomitings immediately after food intake , contained food particles non bilious non blood stained and abdominal pain since 10 days and was admitted in our hospital treated symptomatically and discharged. Patient was admitted in outside hospital to get ct dine one week ago.

Today pt was presented to causality with complaints of epigastric pain since yesterday which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive dragging type and non radiating aggravated on taking food and relieved on taking alcohol.

K/c/o Dm-II since 2 months and on tab glimi 

Psychiatrist consultation i/v/o alcohol dependence 

Ophthalmology consultation i/v/o diabetic retinopathy 

Investigations chart



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