Amc case 08/03/2022

 A 65 yr old male came to casuality with c/o diffuse chest pain and right sided abdominal  pain since yesterday morning 3am 

C/0 vomitings since yesterday evening 

HOPI: pt was apparently asymptomatic 4day ago then he had on and off right sided  abdominal pain gradually progressive not radiating to back not relieving on rest and pt also had 2 episodes  of vomiting non bilious , non projectile , food as content . 

Associated with chest pain which was insidious in onset gradually progressive 

Squeezing type of pain .

He had similar complaints  1 year ago , treated conservatively .

Pt was chronic alcoholic from 10years ,daily he consumes 90ml/day 

Last intake of alcohol - 1 day ago 

No H/0 of loose stools , fever , palpitations ,constipation ,burning micturition 

Past history : not a k/c/o DM , HTN, Asthma, epilepsy, thyroid .

O/E: Patient is conscious ,coherent and cooperative moderately built and moderately nourished 

No pallor/Icterus/Cyanosis/Clubbing/Generalised Lymphadenopathy/Pedal edema


PR:88 bpm

BP:140/90mm of hg

CVS:S1,S2 heard,no murmurs

RS:BAE ,NVBS heard

P/A:SOFT,Bs , Tenderness present in right hypochondrium and right lumbar region 

Murphy’s sign 







Usg abdomen : cholelithiasis 2 calculi 12 mm each . 

Gb wall thickened measuring 9mm

No evidence of any pericholecystic collection .


Treatment : 

  1. NBM Till further orders 
  2. IVF 1 NS , RL , DNS @ 75ml /hr 
  3. Inj . TAXIM 1gm IV/bd 
  4. Inj.Metrogyl  400mg IV tid 
  5. Inj pan 40 mg IV od 
  6. Inj tramodol in 100 ml ns 
  7. Inj . Zofer 4 mg IV /od 
  8. PR/Bp monitoring hourly 


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